So you're stressed! The uncertainties of life are an easy pathway to be stressed out. Dealing with COVID-19 is enough reason to stress. Stress is an ugly thing no matter how you look at it, and it breaks down that once beautiful body from the inside out. Stress makes it harder for our body to function normally and weakens our immune system responses making us more susceptible to getting sick. Stress can make our skin become dull and break out, our hair and nails thin & brittle, and even make us constipated. As if that's not bad enough, stress can make us lash out at the ones we love. It is a slow killer of ourselves and our relationships.
COVID-19 has caused nations to be fearful and more stressed out than ever. It's time to take control of what we can, and do something to save ourselves and our relationships. The only way to change is to ACCEPT the problem, stress. IDENTIFY how you want to feel. And REPLACE the problem, STRESS, with behaviors that help you solve it. Dig in and acknowledge why you are stressed, more than likely it's hiding behind a fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of losing income, fear of getting sick, fear of being out of control, fear of not being good enough etc.
We don't have to let fear run our lives and stress doesn't have to be a norm in our lives. There are a ton of ways to manage stress, but here are my top 10 ways to stop being stressed, even for a moment. Mindfulness is the bedrock of them all. FACT: When we are present and focus not on the future or the past, we are powerful. We can control our thoughts, feelings, actions, and behaviors right now. Here are 10 ways to manage your stress and stay present, longer.